30 MAGAZINE The Future Leaders study, conducted by LLYC, concludes that a new generation of leaders is emerging. These leaders take a different approach to all things collective and are passionate in the ways they express themselves and communicate their points of view, their convictions, their grievances. It is a generation that, when confronted with reality, is actively considering the need for change. The situation faced by society is changing, and new dynamics are impacting the intensity and speed of conversation above and beyond generational factors. The level of information we have available to us today is astounding and at times disorientating, often leading to a loss of perspective. The urgency of the expected changes produces strong emotions, emotions that can sometimes give the impression that they stand in the way of necessary conversations. There is a great need to gain perspective and understand the positions held by the various stakeholders that make up our society, and thus engage in the necessary dialogues to find the solutions we seek to resolve the social tensions that concern us. A renewed search for purpose is emerging from this situation like a “compass” to guide our actions, a situation with a broad and diverse combination of varying stakeholders and perspectives. New leaders, civil society organizations, governments, and companies alike are all successfully gaining perspective in their search for purpose, seeking positive impacts for society. All this energy from future leaders is more often seen in the form of social media protests, a kind of “circumstantial” activism that can be taken as declarative, but with no suitable translation into action for achieving actual transformation in reality. We often encounter a disjunction between what we say and what we do, which leads to questions. Nonetheless, it must be said that our call for change is indeed being heard by companies and is being driven by how we – the citizen-consumers – make everyday decisions and express our preferences. Every time we choose one product over another, we mobilize the market in one direction or another. And this does not go unnoticed by the economic stakeholders. Facundo Etchebehere Global Vice-President of Public Affairs at Danone / Argentina There is a great need to gain perspective and understand the positions held by the various stakeholders that make up our society, and thus engage in the necessary dialogues to find the solutions we seek to resolve the social tensions that concern us