4 MAGAZINE Ramón Jáuregui Chairman, Euroamérica Foundation. Member of the European Parliament (2009-2010 and 2014-2019). Joint Chairman of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, EuroLat (2015-2019). Minister for the Presidency of the Government of Spain (2010-2011). Deputy President of the Regional Government of the Basque Country (1987-1991). Current Chairman of the Euroamérica Foundation. [Spain] Silvia Bulla CEO of DuPont. Silvia Bulla holds a degree in Statistics from the National University of Rosario and a master’s in Business Studies. She is an Ontology Coach trained with International Coaching and an Innovation Leadership Coach trained at the UC Berkeley Center for Executive Education. During her professional career at DuPont, Bulla held positions in Human Resources for Latin America, as well as business partner and head of Compensation and Benefits. She is currently the president of DuPont Argentina. Bulla is also a director at various associations, such as AmCham Argentina and the Business Council for Sustainable Development. [Argentina] Gabriel Frank Diretor de Pessoas & Cultura da Philip Morris Brasil. O executivo atuava como Chief People Officer do Grupo Dafiti, maior plataforma de comércio eletrônico de moda e vestuário da América Latina, responsável por apoiar o crescimento e impulsionar a transformação organizacional e cultural. Além de sua experiência na liderança de P&C em ambientes com operação Agile, Gabriel trabalhou com gestão de negócios, marketing e consultoria, em empresas como Groupon e Korn & Ferry, além de ter sido empreendedor. [Brazil] Ximena Auil CEO 3M Cono Sur. Ximena Auil holds degrees in Industrial Civil Engineering and Marketing from the Catholic University of Chile. She was previously a master Black Belt for Lean Six Sigma initiatives, acting as an authority on marketing, sales, R&D, and operations for the consumption, safety, graphics, industry, and health sectors. Auil is a member of Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In community, participates in the 3M Women’s Leadership Forum, works with the American Red Cross, and maintains her involvement with the Feed your Children organization. She is currently a member of the United Way Chile Network. [Chile] Francesc Noguera CEO Banco Sabadell. Francesc Noguera holds a degree in Business Studies and an MBA from ESADE Business School in Barcelona, as well as a global master’s in Digital Business from ISDI. He began his career at Arthur Andersen, where he was a consultant and auditor for entities in the financial sector. During his career at Banco Sabadell, he held various executive positions in the international arena. Noguera currently leads Banco Sabadell in Mexico, a subsidiary of the Spanish bank that he set up in 2014 with a team of 12 people. It currently stands among the top 10 banks in the country for business banking. [Mexico]